Property Crimes

The lawyers at Ashbach Law Offices, LLC provide aggressive, strong defense for those charged with Property Crimes offenses throughout Skagit, Snohomish, King and Whatcom Counties. Our goal is to aggressively protect you, your family and your interests from the prosecution, saving jail time, licenses, occupations and reputations. With offices in Marysville and Mill Creek, Washington, we are available to meet you discuss your case. We help good people in bad situations. Let us help you.
In Washington, “arson” requires the knowing and malicious causing of a fire or an explosion. Arson typically refers to a fire or explosion with regard to a residence or other building, but it also includes the burning of vehicles, bridges, crops or other property. There are two degrees of arson; one is a Class A Felony and the other a Class B Felony. The owner of the damaged property is usually irrelevant. Closely related to Arson are the Reckless Burning offenses. Depending on the circumstances, Reckless Burning can be a Class C Felony or a Gross Misdemeanor.

If you are, or someone you care about is, facing an arson charge, contact our office at 360-659-4950 or 1-888-WA-LAW-NW immediately for a free, no-pressure case evaluation. Our skilled, seasoned attorneys are ready to protect you and your interests from this serious, high-impact allegation. …more
Burglary and Vehicle Prowling
There are three general classifications of Burglary: First Degree Burglary, Residential Burglary and Second Degree Burglary. Which charge is appropriate depends on a variety of factors, including use of weapons, the type of building that was involved and whether anyone was assaulted during the event. Burglary requires entering or remaining unlawfully in a building combined with intent to commit another crime while inside. Theft is the most commonly thought-of additional crime, but in reality any crime can convert a trespass into a burglary.

A burglary charge (or vehicle prowling) is a serious allegation requiring serious defense. Contact Ashbach Law Offices, LLC, at 360-659-4950 or 1-888-WA-LAW-NW to learn how we can protect you, or someone you care about. It is never too early to get started on an effective defense. Call us today for a free, personalized, no-pressure consultation. Let us use our experience to help you. …more

Sample Result – Burglary – Conviction avoided

Sample Result – Vehicle Prowling – Dismissed

Forgery can be allegedly committed a variety of ways, but in general requires the intent to defraud or injure another party, combined with using or making a false or altered document to achieve that goal. Usually forgery charges relate to financial documents, but increasing in prevalence is the charge of forgery for false or altered prescriptions in an attempt to obtain controlled substances. Forgery is a Class C Felony.

The lawyers at Ashbach Law Offices, LLC, have established a strong track record in aggressively representing clients charged with serious offenses. We help good people in bad situations. Let us use our knowledge, skills and experience to best protect you, your freedom and your reputation. Call our office at 360-659-4950 or 1-888-WA-LAW-NW immediately for a free, no-pressure case evaluation and personalized attention. …more

Sample Result – Charges avoided
Identity Theft
Identity Theft is the using of identification or financial information of another person, living or dead, with the intent to commit or assist in the commission of a crime. If the damages from identity theft are greater than $1500, identity theft is punishable as a Class B Felony; otherwise it is a Class C Felony.

Our lawyers give each case the individualized attention it needs and deserves. We have the experience, knowledge and track record to protect you, your liberty and your record. Let us defend you. Call 360-659-4950 or 1-888-WA-LAW-NW for a free, no-pressure consultation. Let us help you. …more

Sample Result – Identity Theft – Dismissed
Malicious Mischief
Malicious Mischief is split up into three degrees, two of which are felonies and the third a gross misdemeanor. What divides the classification is typically dollar amounts for the property damaged. Malicious Mischief requires the actor to knowingly and maliciously perform a prohibited act. Malicious Mischief First Degree is a Class B Felony; Malicious Mischief Second Degree is a Class C Felony; Malicious Mischief Third Degree is a gross misdemeanor. Depending on the ownership of the property involved, Malicious Mischief may also be tagged as a “domestic violence” offense.

Our office has successfully defended clients with many different types of Malicious Mischief charges – felony and misdemeanor – obtaining dismissals, reductions and keeping our clients’ records clean. Let our experienced attorneys protect you from unwanted outcomes. We stand ready to defend and fight for you. Call 360-659-4950 or 1-888-WA-LAW-NW for individualized, personal attention for your case. …more

Sample Result – Malicious Mischief – Domestic Violence – Dismissed

Sample Result – Malicious Mischief – Dismissed
Organized Retail Theft
In response to complaints from stores about shoplifting, the legislature passed laws enhancing penalties for certain types of thefts. These include Organized Retail Theft and Retail Theft with Extenuating Circumstances. Organized Retail Theft is either a Class B or Class C Felony, depending on dollar amount. Retail Theft with Extenuating Circumstances effectively enhances penalties for shoplifting, depending on certain criteria.

Theft allegations can have significant downstream impacts, which can include loss of employment and harm to reputation, in addition to jail, fine and probationary concerns. Let our lawyers use our knowledge, experience and track record to protect you, or someone you care about, with your charge. Call 360-659-4950 or 1-888-WA-LAW-NW for a free, no-pressure consultation. …more
Possession of Stolen Property
Possessing stolen property means to means knowingly to receive, retain, possess, conceal or dispose of stolen property knowing that it has been stolen and intending to keep it from the person who is the true owner or is entitled to it. First Degree Possession of Stolen Property is a Class B Felony, Second Degree Possession of Stolen Property is a Class C Felony, and Third Degree Possession of Stolen Property is a gross misdemeanor. Usually, but not always, the dividing line between degrees is the dollar value of the property.

A related criminal allegation is possession of a stolen firearm.

With successful representation of clients facing Possession of Stolen Property allegations, we have the experience, knowledge and track record to protect you, your freedom and your record. Let us defend you. Call 360-659-4950 or 1-888-WA-LAW-NW for a free, no-pressure consultation. We aggressively defend each case; let us represent you. We are here to help our clients through difficult times. Let us help you. …more

Sample Result – Possession of Stolen Property – Dismissed
Theft and Shoplifting
Theft is to obtain or exert unauthorized control of another’s property or service with the intent to deprive that other person (or business) of that property or service. It includes retaining possession of lost or misdelivered items. In general, the division between First Degree, Second Degree and Third Degree theft charges depends upon dollar value of property that was alleged to be stolen.

Ashbach Law Offices, LLC, has extensive history representing clients charged with Theft and Shoplifting offenses. We combine our knowledge of court rules, statutes and case law with our experience and track record to aggressively represent clients to obtain dismissals, reductions and other positive outcomes. If you, or someone you care about, is facing a Theft or Shoplifting allegation, call our office today at 360-659-4950 or 1-888-WA-LAW-NW for a free, no-pressure consultation. It is never too early to get started on a good defense. …more

Sample Result – Theft 3rd Degree – Dismissed
Trafficking in Stolen Property
There are two degrees of Trafficking in Stolen Property and both are Felonies. Trafficking in Stolen Property in the First Degree is a Class C Felony, while Trafficking in Stolen Property in the Second Degree is a Class B Felony. The distinction between the two degrees is what the person actually knew at the time of the alleged offense.

With successful representation of clients facing Trafficking in Stolen Property allegations, we have the experience, knowledge and track record to protect you, your freedom, your reputation and your record. Let us defend you. Call 360-659-4950 or 1-888-WA-LAW-NW for a free, no-pressure consultation. We help good people in bad situations. Let us help you. …more

Sample Result – Trafficking in Stolen Property – Dismissed
Trespass charges are either gross misdemeanors or misdemeanors. The distinction between First Degree Trespassing (a gross misdemeanor) and Second Degree Trespassing (a misdemeanor) depends on the property that was allegedly involved. There are several defenses to trespassing charges that may be available based on circumstances.

Let us use our experience, legal research and track record of successfully defending Trespassing charges to help you. With intricate knowledge of trespassing laws and defenses, we are ready to put forward your best defense. Call 360-659-4950 or 1-888-WA-LAW-NW for a personalized case evaluation at no cost. …more

Sample Result – Trespassing First Degree – Dismissed

Sample Result – Trespassing Second Degree – Dismissed
Unlawful Issuance of Bad Checks
Unlawful Issuance of Bad Checks is the writing of checks with the intent to defraud or injury another party, knowing that the bank account associated with the check did not have sufficient funds to cover the amount of the check. Issuing a stop-payment order also can be grounds for an Unlawful Issuance charge if that order was unauthorized. In general, there is a timeline for the check-writer to fix the bad check situation without it becoming criminal. Unlawful Issuance can be a felony or a misdemeanor depending on circumstances.

Call 360-659-4950 or 1-888-WA-LAW-NW today to learn how our experienced, knowledgeable attorneys can help with your Unlawful Issuance of Bad Checks allegation. We know how to successfully defend these cases because we have done it before. Let us help you. Call for a free, no-pressure consultation. …more

Sample Result – Unlawful Issuance of Bad Checks – Dismissed